Welcome to the Stanford Amateur Radio Club, aka W6YX!


Here are a few steps for getting started as a new member or associate:

  1. Join our Slack @w6yx/w6yx.slack.com (Our go-to for event announcements, project communication, and onboarding activities)
  2. Fill out this form to request access to our online communication channels and workspaces (Mailing list, Slack, Notion, Google Drive)
  3. Once you have a Notion account, add yourself to the People page.
  4. Check out the 2021 info session (slides, video) to learn more about amateur radio and what we do in the club.
  5. Fill out the onboarding survey so we can get a better sense of your background and interests in amateur radio!
  6. If you are a student, please register as a club member on CampusGroups.
  7. Follow us on Instagram and Youtube!

Current activities

Visiting our facilities

We have two club facilities:

Packard 302 is a room in the Packard Electrical Engineering building on Stanford’s main campus with access to software defined radios, soldering & electronics test tools, and a few roof antennas. It’s a small space, but it’s filled with good stuff and convenient for students to access!